Welcome to Calvary Moravian in Winston-Salem!
For generations, Moravians around the world have been guided by these words:
“In essentials, unity;
in non-essentials, liberty;
and in all things, love.”
Since 1893, Calvary Moravian Church in Downtown Winston-Salem has been bringing worshipers and the community together in Unity, Liberty, and Love. We aspire to answer Christ’s eternal call to Serve one another, the community, and the world we share.
- We Unite in our belief in one God: Creator, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- We celebrate the Liberty we each have in our daily walks of faith.
- We rejoice in the Love of Jesus and strive to share it with others.
- As an essential part of our faith, we come together to Serve as we’ve been called to by Jesus Christ.
Our active community is made up of all ages and walks of life, and we welcome anyone in search of an engaging, welcoming Christian community. We hope our website will provide you with plenty of information about our identity, beliefs, values, and ministries. But we also encourage you to reach out with questions or visit us in person!

The century-old stained glass windows in the Calvary sanctuary depict the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. When in the sanctuary space, look to these windows for inspiration, peace, hope, and grace.
Hover over each image (click on mobile) to read details about each scene.
The Nativity
If you had been able to actually witness this scene 2000 years ago, how would you have responded? Is your heart a manger for the Christ-child?
The Boy Jesus Visits the Temple
What do you think Jesus is saying to the teachers? What do the facial expressions of the teachers say about their response to Jesus? Are you willing to be taught by Jesus?
Jesus’ Encounter with Nicodemus
What does this scene reveal about both men? What conversation do you think the window is portraying? If you could have a conversation with Jesus, what would you talk about?
Mary at the Feet of Jesus
What does Mary’s expression tell you? Do you confuse spending time listening to God with serving him? What is the difference? How can you spend more time being with God?
Jesus Prays in Gethsemane
Nicolas Von Zinzendorf, an early Moravian Church bishop, said redemption was won in Gethsemane because the Lord surrendered his will God. What do you need to surrender to God?
Jesus is Crucified
What is the centurion saying as he points to the crucified Christ? Look at the depth of Mary’s grief as her friends hold her up. How would you have responded had you been at the foot of the cross?
The Good Shepherd
Where is your attention drawn in this scene? Jesus’ face? The lamb? What touches you as you look at the window and think about Jesus’ words in John 10:11-15?
The Lord is Risen!
What is the angel pointing to? Can you imagine how Mary and the others felt as they discovered the empty tomb? Are there ever times in your life when you felt entombed by something?
The Angels Announce Jesus’ Birth to the Shepherds
If you had been a shepherd on the hillsides of Bethlehem when the angel appeared, how would you have felt? Afraid? Happy? Joyful? In what ways has the good news of Christ been proclaimed to you?
Behold I Stand At The Door And Knock
Has Jesus ever knocked on your heart's door? Did you hesitate to open it, or did you freely receive him? What happens when we allow Christ to have free reign in our hearts?